This animated rendition of Harry Baker’s spoken word poem, Paper People, brings his poem to life in a unique, visual way. Let the meaning of his words sink in as you take in this beautiful, creative expression of poetry.
Collection of Harry Baker's Slam Poetry
Harry Baker is the Grand Slam Poetry Champion, and this series of poems will tell you why.
This first video includes all the poems that he performed at TEDxExeter. However, we’ve linked snippets of the first two poems below as separate videos.
We encourage you to view the final poem in the series at 9:29 of the first video, as it is a sensitive, tender, and humorous self-portrait.
Poem #1: A Love Poem for Lonely Prime Numbers
Poem #2: Paper People
The Only Reason We're Alive by Spoken Word Poet IN-Q
Spoken word poet, IN-Q, speaks of reasons to live. His performance is paired with a beautiful short film that depicts his poetry in real time. Enjoy!
Letter to the Playground Bully
Andrea Gibson writes from the perspective of her eight year old self in this spoken word poem written to the playground bully. She flips the meanings and intentions of harsh words into empowering, uplifting messages.